Our Work
U.S. State Policy
State climate action is critical.
CATF’s state advocacy leverages the deep technical and policy expertise CATF is known for and provides timely, fact-based education, analysis, and insights to advance climate and clean energy solutions across the country.
We work with government officials, the private sector, advocates, communities, and a broad range of local stakeholders to advance practical solutions that recognize each state’s unique economic, political, and natural environment.
Why state climate action is critical
States are where the rubber meets the road.
States make daily decisions that affect climate change and economic opportunities. Many federal policies, regulations, and grant programs, for example, are implemented by states. Whether it be transportation investments, energy planning, environmental permitting, job training, or government procurement, state decisions either increase or decrease emissions, affecting air quality, public health, environmental justice, and climate change.
States ensure continuous progress.
States set ambitious climate commitments and advance policies to address climate change, improve air quality, and drive economic growth. Even when federal leadership stalls, state action ensures continuous progress and demonstrates ongoing U.S. leadership.
States provide policy innovation and catalyze regional and federal action.
States craft innovative solutions to meet their own unique set of political, economic, and social circumstances. The resulting policy and programmatic solutions create a foundation of diverse approaches that other states and the federal government can build off of.
Our Approach
We work with state legislatures, governors’ officers, executive agencies, local communities, and more to help states achieve their economic, environmental, and public health goals through climate action. We understand that one size does not fit all, and our advocacy efforts are focused on fact-based, practical solutions tailored to the unique political and social environments of each region, state, and locality.
Our team is comprised of state policy and environmental justice experts with diverse professional experience and significant ties to the regions in which they work. We have extensive public and private sector experience along with deep connections with state decisionmakers, businesses, and communities.
State tools and resources
U.S. Implementation Resource Hub
A variety of resources intended for state and local officials, project developers, companies, communities, and other stakeholders.
Federal Funding Programs to Support Advanced Clean Trucks Implementation
This document is a resource to understand how IRA and IIJA funding can be used for efficient and cost-effective implementation of the ACT rule.
This fact sheet offers a framework for applying a holistic approach to advance a clean medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sector.
Climate Pollution Reduction Grants for Emissions Reductions in the Industrial Sector
This fact sheet offers a framework for applying a holistic approach to the industrial sector and lists examples of concrete measures applicable to the industrial sector overall and high-emitting subsectors.
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Our impact in state policy
Our Efforts
Our work in states and regions across the U.S. focuses on helping states achieve their environmental, economic, and public health goals through climate action. In states, we:
- Identify and create opportunities to advance policies that enable and drive emission reductions
- Educate officials, stakeholders, and communities on climate and clean energy technologies
- Advise state decisionmakers on policy design and implementation, including federal funding opportunities
- Engage with communities to empower them with knowledge of clean energy technologies and their potential benefits and impacts
CATF in Action
CATF works to advance clean energy and climate solutions in each region of the country. CATF’s state policy work includes contributions on the following topics:
- Clean electricity standards in Minnesota and Michigan and in other states interested in a CES program or update (e.g. New Jersey, Maryland, and Colorado).
- Clean energy siting policy development in Colorado, California, and other states.
- Advanced Clean Trucks rule in Maryland, Colorado, and other states currently considering the program.
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grant planning with multiple states.
- Carbon capture and storage legislation passage or development in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.
- Community engagement in Louisiana around clean energy technology opportunities and potential impacts.
- Methane reductions in Colorado, New Mexico, and other states.
- Industrial decarbonization through strategies like carbon capture and storage and clean hydrogen in Louisiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, California, Colorado, Wyoming, and other states.
- Nuclear energy in Michigan, Illinois, and other states.
Who we are
Meet our staff members working in state policy.
Ashley Arax
Senior California Policy Manager -
John Carlson
Senior Northeast Regional Policy Manager -
Paula Leverett Cobb
Senior Southeast Regional Policy Manager -
Lindsay Cooper Phillips
Senior Gulf Coast Regional Policy Manager -
Wibke Heymach
Senior Midwest Regional Policy Manager -
Jeremy Tarr
U.S. State Policy Director
Our team regions
Jeremy Tarr is CATF’s State Policy Director. This map identifies CATF’s state policy lead for each of the regions we work in.