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Unlocking funding for climate action in the U.S. power sector

Descarbonización industrial de la UE central eléctrica

Why do we need to decarbonize the power sector? 

Natural gas and coal generate approximately 60% of electricity in the U.S., and nearly one-third of U.S. emissions come from electricity production. To achieve its target of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, the U.S. will need to reduce grid emissions while building a strong electricity grid to connect new, low-carbon energy sources. Reducing emissions from the power sector requires strong regulations and incentives to invest in a cleaner electricity supply – including by doubling the existing transmission system and making siting decisions in local communities nationwide – to meet growing electricity demand.

The resources below provide quick reads and reports to support emissions reductions in the U.S. power sector including information on clean firm energy sources, carbon-reduction technologies, and more.

Available federal resources to
decarbonize the power sector

Investigación de antecedentes, tecnologías disponibles y recursos federales, y estudios de casos en estados y regiones.

Explorar recursos en otras áreas de impacto

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