Unlocking funding for climate action in the U.S. power sector
Why do we need to decarbonize the power sector?
Natural gas and coal generate approximately 60% of electricity in the U.S., and nearly one-third of U.S. emissions come from electricity production. To achieve its target of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, the U.S. will need to reduce grid emissions while building a strong electricity grid to connect new, low-carbon energy sources. Reducing emissions from the power sector requires strong regulations and incentives to invest in a cleaner electricity supply – including by doubling the existing transmission system and making siting decisions in local communities nationwide – to meet growing electricity demand.
The resources below provide quick reads and reports to support emissions reductions in the U.S. power sector including information on clean firm energy sources, carbon-reduction technologies, and more.
Available federal resources to
decarbonize the power sector
Mapas, herramientas y fichas informativas
Investigación de antecedentes, tecnologías disponibles y recursos federales, y estudios de casos en estados y regiones.
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