Jonathan Lewis
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RFS Politics Keep Ping-Ponging and the Environment Keeps Losing
If a contest was held to identify the Trump Administration’s most haywire, least efficient, most higgledy-piggledy exercise in policymaking, its implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard would have to be in the running. Surely other policy initiatives have caused more harm in the past three years, environmental and otherwise—but the…
Moving Forward with Zero-Carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia Fuels
In April 2018, member countries of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced an “initial strategy” for cutting the shipping sector’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050. If the worst consequences of climate change are to be avoided, major industries like international shipping will need to do more than cut…
Fuels Without Carbon: Prospects and the Pathway Forward for Zero-Carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia Fuels
A new report from CATF explores how a massive scale-up in the production and use of zero-carbon hydrogen and ammonia might help decarbonize segments of the power sector, the industrial sector, and the transportation sector. Fuels Without Carbon looks at how the availability of zero-carbon hydrogen and ammonia fuels could help…
CATF, other groups push EPA to protect natural landscapes from biofuel crop expansion
Clean Air Task Force and Earthjustice filed a petition on behalf of 11 environmental organizations demanding that the Environmental Protection Agency protect prairies and other natural habitats from being plowed under for the purpose of growing more biofuel crops.
Designing Policies to Promote the Commercialization of Carbon-free Ammonia Energy
CATF thinks ammonia for zero-carbon fuels is likely to be an important tool in energy decarbonization.
CATF Statement on EPA’s Final 2019 RFS Biofuels Requirements
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) regulations that establish the volume of biofuels that must be blended into the United States’ transportation fuel supply in 2019 (and 2020, for biomass-based diesel fuels).
More Ethanol, More Problems
The ethanol industry produces more ethanol than the US fuel market can readily use.
EPA’s Report on the Environmental Impacts of Biofuels
We’ve waded through the various and sundry mistakes Congress made in 2007 when it dramatically expanded the size and the duration of the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as part of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA).