Resource Type
Reports & Papers
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Perspectives on Monitoring of Saline and EOR Geologic Carbon Injection and Sequestration Sites
Geologic carbon sequestration offers both the potential to provide a permanent sink for industrial CO2 emissions, and added value to tertiary enhanced oil and gas recovery (EOR). Subsurface injection of carbon dioxide is a proven technology developed in the EOR industry over the past three decades. However, EOR efforts have…
A Plan to Enhance Energy Efficiency by Harmonizing Federal Energy Efficiency Programs
Technical Support Document for the Powerplant Impact Estimator Software Tool
The purpose of this report is to describe a software application, the Powerplant Impact Estimator (PIE), developed to estimate the health and economic of electric generating units (EGUs) in the United States.
The Carbon Capture and Storage Imperative: Recommendations to the Obama Administration’s Interagency Carbon Capture and Storage Task Force
This report summarizes CATF’s recommendations to the Obama Administration’s Interagency Carbon Capture and Storage Task Force. The report draws upon CATF’s experience working with developers of CCS projects in the US and China, review of state and federal incentive programs, R & D needs, and coal fleet modeling in the…
Review of the Manomet Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study
Four Policy Principles for Energy Innovation & Climate Change: A Synthesis
There is now little doubt that reducing global carbon dioxide emissions to address climate change at a societally acceptable cost will require substantial innovation in energy systems and technologies over the coming decades. We do not appear to be on that innovation path, however. Over the last two years, several…
Using Reverse Auctions in a Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Deployment Program
The Waxman-Markey, Kerry-Boxer, and Kerry-Lieberman climate bills call for CCS incentives to be allocated in part through the use of a competitive reverse auction mechanism. This paper reviews the concept of a reverse auction, how reverse auctions are currently used in the public and private sectors, how they can be…
Health Impacts of Diesel, Based on Data from NATA
Diesel particles cause widespread damage to human health. This report estimates the impact of on road and off road sources of diesel particles.