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Comments to New York City on a Proposal to Mandate the Use of Biodiesel as a Heating Fuel
CATF letter detailing how the enactment of a proposed biodiesel mandate could result in increased net GHG emissions from city buildings.
Zero emission technologies for pneumatic controllers in the USA: Applicability and cost effectiveness
Natural gas-driven pneumatic controllers are used widely in the oil and natural gas industry to control liquid level, temperature, and pressure during the production, processing, transmission, and storage of natural gas and petroleum products. However, these devices release methane into the atmosphere. Pneumatic controllers are the second-largest source of methane…
Corn Ethanol Attacks Vermont!
When a Washington-based lobbying outfit started airing television ads in Vermont that attack Rep. Peter Welch because he wants to scale back federal support for corn ethanol, the erstwhile Vermonter in me took offense. It has been a few years since I lived in Vermont, but I’ll probably always consider…
The Feasibility of CNG Trucking in Little Missouri National Grassland in Western North Dakota
Comments on California ARB’s ILUC Review
In response to the California Air Resource Board’s ongoing review of indirect land use change (ILUC) emissions and their effect on the carbon intensity calculations for biofuels, CATF shared its analyses of recent studies that examine water availability, yields, and other key factors that influence ILUC.
CATF Comments on Proposed Re-Adoption of California LCFS and ILUC Analysis
In addition to urging the Air Resources Board to readopt California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard through 2020, CATF’s comments illustrate the analytic- and policy-related problems with ARB staff’s proposal to reduce the lifecycle GHG assessment for corn ethanol.
Pens Down on the Clean Power Plan – Now All Eyes Turn to EPA
On Monday at midnight, the comment period for the Administration’s Clean Power Plan closed. Over 1 million comments, including CATF’s, already have been posted on EPA’s ambitious effort to control carbon dioxide (CO2) from the nation’s largest industrial source of that pollution– the existing fossil fueled power sector. The stage…
Comments on EPA’s Proposed 2014 RFS Volume Requirements
In its proposed adjustments to the RFS mandate for 2014, EPA would address the blend wall by reducing the annual volume requirements for advanced biofuels and, more significantly, for corn ethanol. CATF’s comments detail the environmental benefits of EPA’s proposal.