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Fit for 55: Decarbonising European Shipping
With the Fit for 55 proposals, EU policymakers finally can address emissions from shipping and its major impact on climate change and air quality.
Why Germany needs a carbon management strategy
A carbon management strategy for Germany is a necessary component of a transition plan.
TEN-T: Transport of CO2 to permanent storage – a missing piece in Europe’s industrial decarbonization plan
As currently proposed, the TEN-T includes no mention of the importance played by multiple modalities transporting CO2 to storage – it must be amended to optimize synergies and foster decarbonization.
Another alarm bell: Methane pollution found at oil and gas sites across France
Clean Air Task Force has discovered evidence of significant methane pollution from oil and gas facilities in France during the first months of 2022.
New IPCC report underscores importance of rapid emissions reductions
Recently, the IPCC released its Working Group II report, the latest in a long line of reports that illustrate the urgent need for climate action.
Decarbonising European industry: Enabling carbon capture and storage through the EU ETS
CATF welcomes the revision of the Emissions Trading System Directive to ensure compatibility with the EU’s climate ambition.
The importance of carbon management to decarbonize the industrial sector of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
How North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany will use carbon management to create a climate-neutral industry.
Industry and NGO stakeholders call for closer cooperation to act on climate change between the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany
Industry and NGO stakeholders call for closer cooperation to act on climate change between the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.