CATF Resources
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Armond Cohen Testimony on the Advanced Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020
Watch Armond Cohen’s opening statement before the United States Senate Environment and Public Works Committee during their hearing on the discussion draft of the Advanced Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020. Full video of this hearing can be viewed on the Senate EPW website.
Climate Neutrality: What is next for Carbon Capture in Europe?
Carbon capture has seen an impressive revival in Europe and the region is poised to become a technology leader. Carbon capture is included as one of the seven strategic building blocks of the European Commission’s Vision for an European Union 2050 Long-term Strategy. At least 11 member states have cited it in their national energy and climate plans….
CATF Comments on the Revision of the TEN-E Regulation
CATF welcomes the European Commission’s climate ambition, leadership on decarbonization and innovation, and pursuit of policies to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth. CATF also strongly supports the EU’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050, and welcomes the revision of the TEN-E regulation to ensure compatibility with the…
CATF Comments EU 2030 Climate Plan Strategy
The Clean Air Task Force submitted comments on the European Commission’s efforts to increase climate ambition, and the EU’s pursuit of policies to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth.
CATF Comments on EU Hydrogen Strategy
Clean Air Task Force has provided feedback on the European Commission’s roadmap for an EU hydrogen strategy. The strategy is expected to explore how clean hydrogen can help the EU reach climate-neutrality by 2050, as set out in the European Green Deal.
Comments of Hayden Hashimoto at Public Hearing on Proposed Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
Comments of Hayden Hashimoto; Clean Air Task Force, Legal Fellow at Public Hearing on Proposed Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter.
CATF comments on EPA’s Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking titled Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) respectfully submits these comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA or Agency) Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” (SNPRM). CATF’s lawyers, scientists, policy analysts, and advocates seek to help safeguard against the worst impacts of air pollution and climate…
CCUS in California: Climate Opportunity and Policy Need