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CATF Comments EU 2030 Climate Plan Strategy
The Clean Air Task Force submitted comments on the European Commission’s efforts to increase climate ambition, and the EU’s pursuit of policies to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth.
CATF Comments on EU Hydrogen Strategy
Clean Air Task Force has provided feedback on the European Commission’s roadmap for an EU hydrogen strategy. The strategy is expected to explore how clean hydrogen can help the EU reach climate-neutrality by 2050, as set out in the European Green Deal.
Europe Must Lead on Methane, Both Domestically and Internationally
Europe has long been one of the great lions of climate change advocacy. But in the halls of power throughout Europe there’s been a major blind spot: methane. Thankfully, that is changing. The European Union has set an ambitious goal for carbon neutrality, and Europeans have started to recognize that…
Curtailment of Nuclear Power Output During Extreme Heat Waves: The European Case
For the second summer in a row, some nuclear power plants in Europe have been forced to temporarily shut down or reduce power output due to extreme heat waves.
CATF Feedback to the EU Consultation on High- and Low-Indirect Land Use Change Biofuels
Comments by CATF encouraging the European Union to adopt more stringent restrictions on the use of food-based biofuels and other high-emitting biofuels.