Nelson Falkenburg
How we can make the most of SB24-212 and promising new renewable energy siting resources in Colorado
This new law is a win and underscores the importance of building consensus around renewable energy siting policies and practices.
New report shows the diversity of clean energy siting policies and permitting authorities across the country
Before a large-scale solar or wind project can be built in a particular state or region, its developers face the complicated process of siting and permitting.
Clean Air Task Force Testimony on Colorado Siting Study Bill
The siting study bill is a positive incremental step toward ensuring Colorado can meet its decarbonization goals.
The state of siting: New E3 report identifies recommendations and best practices for state-level renewable energy siting reform
Rapidly accelerating the deployment of renewable energy projects is paramount for the United States to meet its net zero by 2050 climate goal.
Dual-use solar: U.S. policy considerations to drive clean energy deployment
Dual-use solar has the potential to provide added environmental, social, and economic benefits compared to traditional solar development.
Permessi di trasmissione in California: Il più lento dell'Occidente?
Attualmente ci vuole più di un decennio per costruire nuovi progetti di trasmissione in California. Se non si riducono questi tempi, è altamente improbabile che la California sia in grado di realizzare le sue ambizioni climatiche da leader mondiale.