Área de trabajo
Combustibles con cero emisiones de carbono
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Statutory overview of 45Z
Statutory overview of the 45Z tax credit Section 45Z provides tax credits for clean fuel production based on the fuel’s carbon intensity. Unlike previous fuels credits,1 section 45Z is set up to incentivize deep reductions in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by awarding higher credit amounts to cleaner fuels. …
Decarbonizing U.S. transportation: Progress and opportunities
There is tremendous opportunity to invest in a modernized transportation system that yields better climate, health, and economic outcomes.
Decarbonizing U.S. industry: Progress and opportunities
Read on to learn about the current momentum to accelerate industrial decarbonization and what must happen next.
Appalachian hydrogen hub receives DOE award, a major step toward demonstrating low-carbon hydrogen production using carbon capture and storage
Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2).
Technical and Cost Considerations for Decarbonizing the “Refinery of the Future”
The Refinery of the Future report examines the technical pathways that existing refineries could use to decarbonize their operations.
Germany adopts long-awaited import strategy for hydrogen, but greater support for the most promising import pathways is needed
Germany aims to be climate neutral by 2045 and has placed its bets on clean hydrogen being a significant player.
California hydrogen hub receives first DOE award in a significant step forward to decarbonize transportation across the western U.S.
The Department of Energy’s Regional Hydrogen Hubs program has a critical role to play in achieving U.S. decarbonization goals.
Dedicated clean hydrogen production likely has a limited role in power sector decarbonization, finds CATF report
Clean Air Task Force analyzed the plausibility of clean hydrogen use in the power sector and found that dedicated clean hydrogen production and use, in many cases, is a costly and inefficient decarbonization strategy. Meanwhile, using electrolytic hydrogen as a storage fuel to balance excess surplus clean electricity could have…