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BLM takes critical step forward with updated Western Solar Plan, accelerates clean energy deployment while safeguarding climate
Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) unveiled its proposed strategy for solar energy development on public lands.
Decarbonizing the U.S. power sector: Progress and opportunities
To meet its decarbonization goals, the U.S. will need to reduce grid emissions while building a strong electricity grid to connect new, low-carbon energy sources.
Beyond NEPA: Understanding the complexities of slow infrastructure buildout
Building clean energy infrastructure quickly will be critical to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.
From decades to years: DOE’s CITAP Program and progress towards faster transmission projects
Electric transmission is essential for maintaining grid reliability while meeting growing electricity demand.
Future-fitting the grid: How to accelerate federal transmission permitting
The current state of transmission planning and development in the U.S. has failed to rise to the challenge.
New report shows the diversity of clean energy siting policies and permitting authorities across the country
Before a large-scale solar or wind project can be built in a particular state or region, its developers face the complicated process of siting and permitting.
New report offers inventory of state renewable energy siting policies in the U.S.
A new report details state renewable energy siting policies and permitting authorities across the United States.
Colorado legislature passes crucial bill advancing renewable energy siting, helping state meet ambitious decarbonization goals
Today, Colorado passed a key bill that takes a first step toward expediting the deployment of clean energy infrastructure.