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Improving clean energy infrastructure deployment on federal public lands
U.S. public lands present extensive opportunities to manage ecosystems as carbon sinks and for climate resilience.
Transmission Mission: How FERC can improve efficiency and community engagement to deploy clean energy infrastructure
Meeting U.S. climate, energy, and electrification goals through 2050 could require tripling the capacity of today’s long-distance electricity transmission network. This level of deployment means that wires must be planned, permitted, approved, and constructed at historically unprecedented rates to bring clean electricity to homes and businesses nationwide. But today, we…
Where will Europe store its CO2?
CATF’s new report highlights that there is ample potential to develop storage capacity in a wide range of member states that wish to use carbon capture and storage (CCS) to decarbonise or to help other countries decarbonise. By mapping the relationship between suitable storage geology and likely areas of high…
California’s transmission permitting: Slowest in the West?
It currently takes over a decade to build new transmission projects in California. Without reducing these lead times, it is highly unlikely that California will be able to deliver on its world-leading climate ambitions.
From net zero to net reality: The UK’s climate leadership in transition
Leaders can no longer ignore geopolitical and geoeconomic considerations when it comes to climate and energy policy.
Achieving the benefits of NZIA objectives require improving Europe’s deployment of clean energy infrastructure
The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) recently proposed by the European Commission offers a strengthened industrial vision for the European Union that could bolster energy security, accelerate emissions reductions, and increase economic activity.
U.S. hydrogen hubs: What comes next?
This blog will outline where things stand with hydrogen hub applicants and what is coming in the next year.
The outlook for U.S. hydrogen hubs: Who’s applying and what they could achieve
Hydrogen has garnered attention for its potential to play a key role in achieving full, global, economy-wide decarbonization.