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Fact Sheet
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Overview of U.S. Carbon Management Projects
After the reform of 45Q in 2018, the interest in carbon management technologies such as capture and direct air capture has been unprecedented.
Europe’s gap between carbon storage development and capture demand
In response to rising carbon prices and binding net zero targets, more and more polluting industries in Europe have announced their intention to capture their CO2 emissions for permanent geological storage. The CATF project map indicates around 50 such initiatives across diverse sectors and geographies, amounting to over 80 Mt captured per year by 2030. But will there be enough storage space to accommodate all this CO2?
The gap between EU carbon capture and storage ambitions and available funding
Carbon capture and storage will not need public support indefinitely, as higher carbon prices and demand for low-carbon products emerge and technology costs are driven down. But strong investment is now essential to help cover first-mover costs and establish shared infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage.
The importance of carbon management for a climate-neutral Germany
Clean Air Task Force has identified the need for Germany to develop carbon management technologies if it wishes to reach its legally-binding target of climate neutrality by 2045. In recent months, four comprehensive studies have been completed by Ariadne, Agora Energiewende, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (Dena) and the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie…
Carbon Management Provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law on November 15, contains the largest single investment in carbon management provisions since the Department of Energy (DOE) began funding carbon capture research in 1997.
Why Supporting Hydrogen in Build Back Better is Good for the Climate
Six reasons that the hydrogen production tax credit (PTC) in the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) is good policy and essential to kickstart full decarbonization.
How will H.R. 5376 help the United States Build Back Better?
A summary of Build Back Better Act measures that seek to drive economic development along a low-carbon trajectory
Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act: A Down Payment on Fulfilling Federal Promises for Climate Action
The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) represents months of bipartisan negotiations and is the first critical component of achieving the vision laid out in President Biden’s American Jobs Plan.