CATF Resources
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A Multi-City Investigation of Exposure to Diesel Exhaust in Multiple Commuting Modes
CATF white paper providing the methodology behind the “No Escape” report including additional findings on commuter exposures in car, rail, bus, ferry, subway and pedestrian commutes.
Proposed Revisions to the Particulate Matter Air Quality Standards
Testimony of Conrad Schneider Before the Clean Air Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Diesel In America Report Facts and Jones Day Rebuttal
The industry law firm, Jones Day, in its 2005 critique, “Taking the Clean Air Task Force to Task”, accuses Clean Air Task Force (CATF) of “junk science” for its report Diesel in America—The Lingering Threat. In the piece, Jones Day ignores facts about the standardized methodology used by CATF and…
CATF Investigations of Crankcase Emissions And Controls
Clean Air Interstate Rule 2005
Water Quality Impacts from Remediating Acid Mine Drainage with Alkaline Addition
Geochemical and thermodynamic theory predict that metals that occur dominantly as oxyanionic species (e.g., arsenic as opposed to zinc) have reduced mobility in an oxidized environment with iron-rich sediments when the pH is moderately acidic (4.6 to 6.0 s.u.), relative to when the pH is neutral or moderately alkaline (7.0…
An Analysis of Diesel Air Pollution and Public Health in America
A full length treatment of CATF’s diesel impacts analysis including methodology.
Testimony of Conrad Schneider Before the Clean Air Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
The Diesel Emission Reductions Act of 2005