CATF Resources
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Reducing black carbon emissions from kerosene lighting sources offers climate mitigation benefits
Around 1.3 billion people worldwide still lack access to electricity. For many, kerosene (paraffin) is a common lighting fuel and kerosene lamp use is widespread in the developing world. New research has shown that these lamps emit significant amounts of black carbon, 20 times more than previously estimated. A total…
Quantifying Costs of Leak Detection and Repair for US Oil and Natural Gas
Comparison of CO2 Abatement Costs in the United States for Various Low and No Carbon Resources
CATF Comments to House E&C Committee on RFS Climate Impacts
CATF comments to the Energy & Commerce Committee on the GHG emissions from the RFS corn ethanol mandate, the possibility of future emission increases from proposed RFS implementation strategies, and the steps that EPA or Congress can take to avoid those emissions increases going forward.
Comments on Proposed RFS Pathway for Corn Butanol
CATF, in conjunction with ActionAid, EWG, FOE, NRDC, NWF, and Sierra Club, urges EPA to withdraw a proposal that would allow butanol made from corn starch to qualify as an “advanced biofuel” under the RFS. By increasing the amount of corn that can be used to make biofuel, EPA’s proposal…
The Status of Algal Biofuel Development
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)
CATF Response to House Energy & Commerce Committee White Paper on Climate and Environment
As part of its bipartisan review of the RFS, the House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Committee issued a white paper on GHG emissions and other environmental impacts associated with the policy. CATF provided the Committee with analysis of the GHG emissions from RFS-mandated biofuels, recommendations that EPA or Congress…