CATF Articles & Posts
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CATF Statement: Xcel Energy Aims for Zero-Carbon Electricity by 2050
Clean Air Task Force applauds Xcel Energy’s commitment announced today to provide carbon free energy by 2050, and an 80% reduction in carbon emissions within the next twelve years.
De-Risking Decarbonization
How do we get to the airport when we have an important flight to catch? What we don’t do is leave at the last minute without thinking about whether there is a traffic jam on the way, whether the airport parking garage is full or the length of the airport…
CATF Statement on EPA’s Final 2019 RFS Biofuels Requirements
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) regulations that establish the volume of biofuels that must be blended into the United States’ transportation fuel supply in 2019 (and 2020, for biomass-based diesel fuels).
The New Economics of Carbon Capture: Lower Costs, More Revenue
The next CCS coal retrofits promise to be a lot cheaper. Last year, after the successful Petra Nova retrofit of the W.A. Parish Plant, NRG stated that the next retrofit would be 20% cheaper. They know from building the first plant where to eliminate “overkill” in the system and where to gain efficiencies that shrink the size of expensive components.
Deep Thinking on Geology and the Rollback of the Clean Power Plan
If you’re like me, you’re alarmed by the regulatory rollbacks that are undermining health and environmental protections that we have enjoyed in the United States. One such rollback is EPA’s proposal to replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, the regulatory requirements that would reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants, with the “Affordable” Clean Energy (ACE) rule.
Explore Our Redesigned Website and Fresh Look!
Every day at the Clean Air Task Force we ask ourselves, “What’s the most important work we can be doing to avoid climate change?”
Time to Celebrate a Climate Success: Mexico’s Methane Regulations for the Oil and Gas Sector Have Raised the Bar for the Rest of the World
The alarm rang at 3:15 am. Of course, I didn’t get the text from the airline that my flight was delayed till I was already in the cab to the airport. A one-hour delay meant my connection in Newark was going to be tight, real tight. Like sprinting through the…
Mexico Takes a Giant Leap Forward in Regulating Methane Emissions
On Tuesday, November 6, at the same time that Americans were going to the polls to register their sentiments about the Trump Administration and in part, its abominable environmental record, Mexico took a huge step forward for the planet in publishing its final regulations on curbing methane emissions from the…