CATF Articles & Posts
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CATF Statement on EPA’s Proposed 2019 RFS Biofuels Requirements
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) regulations that establish the amount of biofuels that must be blended into the United States’ transportation fuel supply in 2019 (and 2020, for biomass-based diesel fuels).
Welcome to the New World of 45Q
The adoption by Congress of the FUTURE Act in February was a major step toward ensuring that carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) can be an important tool in the kit for addressing global warming.
CATF Statement on New Pennsylvania Methane Regulations
It’s big news that the #2 gas-producing state has acted to reduce methane emissions from new natural gas equipment, and we look forward to supporting the state’s efforts to address existing equipment next.
Lessons Learned in Reducing Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Sector
After carbon dioxide, methane is the second most important climate pollutant, with a potency over eighty times that of CO2 over a 20-year period.
Canada Releases Final Methane Regulations, US NGOs Comment
Today, Canada issued robust, nationwide standards expected to cut methane pollution from the oil and gas industry by 40 to 45 percent.
Canada Issues Comprehensive Oil and Gas Methane Regulations
On April 25th, Catherine McKenna, the Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister, finalized robust, nationwide standards designed to cut methane pollution from the oil and gas industry by roughly 40-45 percent.
Oil and Gas Methane Leadership Awards Press Release
The inaugural Oil and Gas Methane Leadership Awards were awarded to leading government jurisdictions and other entities in recognition of actions taken to reduce harmful methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.
Time for the International Maritime Organization to Address Arctic Shipping Emissions
On April 9-13, 2018, delegates from around the world will meet at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London to discuss a number of environmental issues related to the shipping sector.