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Erschließung von Finanzmitteln für Klimaschutzmaßnahmen

We’re at a pivotal moment for climate action, leveraging historic investments to advance decarbonization through funding programs, tax credits, and supportive policies to push forward climate and clean energy projects across the country. It’s important to show how these policies are propelling businesses, states, and communities to a clean energy future and what more can be done to keep up the momentum. 

CATF’s resource hub helps stakeholders take advantage of federal investments by providing technical research, calculators and other tools, and community benefit guides, spanning a variety of technologies. The hub also tracks progress on the ground to show where benefits are moving into communities and to share information about developing projects.  

We need more options, not less, to reduce and mitigate emissions and protect public health. Funding programs, tax credits, and supportive policies are enabling this progress – and we can’t stop now. 

Built to last: Climate progress near you

There has already been tremendous progress on climate and clean energy projects across the country.  CATF is tracking where these projects are and how they are moving us to deep decarbonization – for communities, states, and the country.  

Projects included below – focused on decarbonizing industry, transportation, power, and land – represent key federal investments in clean energy technologies including advanced nuclear, carbon management, and hydrogen, and development of transmission infrastructure. This tracker also includes key grants for states to plan for and implement deep emissions reductions. 


  • Projects are limited to the technologies and sectors listed above and do not represent all federally funded projects
  • Die Informationen stammen aus öffentlichen Bekanntmachungen und enthalten keine privaten Informationen.
  • Die Standorte auf der Karte sind ungefähre Angaben auf der Grundlage öffentlich zugänglicher Daten.
  • Die Daten können sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern; die Karte wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. CATF haftet nicht für die Nutzung dieser Karte.


These resources share information about available Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding, explain technology options to achieve decarbonization goals, and support the deployment of clean energy projects with helpful research, tools, and education materials.

Gesetz über Infrastrukturinvestitionen und Arbeitsplätze und
Gesetz zur Verringerung der Inflation

Resources by impact area

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