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Massive quantity of methane emissions documented across Europe at oil and gas facilities
BRUSSELS — Using a state-of-the-art infrared camera, Clean Air Task Force has documented methane emissions leaking or venting from oil & gas facilities all over Europe. So far, the organization has visited over 150 sites in seven European countries and found harmful, invisible methane pollution at the vast majority of…
Where is sub-Saharan Africa in the race to net-zero?
African governments face more economic needs than zero emissions but meeting those needs will depend on their energy systems evolving.
CATF statement on IEA report on financing clean energy in developing economies
Washington D.C. – A new report from the International Energy Agency, World Bank, and the World Economic Forum finds that annual clean energy investments in emerging and developing economies will need to increase sevenfold – to more than $1 trillion by 2030 – to put the world on track to achieve net-zero emissions by…
CATF Experts on the IEA’s Net-Zero by 2050 Report
The IEA released a special report on Tuesday that charts the course for the global energy sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, marking “an historic inflection point in the global climate solutions debate,” according to Clean Air Task Force Executive Director Armond Cohen, whose full statement you can…
IEA Report Marks Historic Inflection Point, Underscoring Need for Urgent Action to Develop Carbon Free Technologies
BOSTON (May 18, 2021) – The IEA released a special report today that charts the course for the global energy sector to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, marking “an historic inflection point in the global climate solutions debate,” said Clean Air Task Force Executive Director Armond Cohen. The report, Net-Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy…
Groundbreaking New U.N. Report Shows Reducing Global Methane Emissions Would Have Major Climate Benefit at Virtually No Cost
A 40-45% methane cut by 2030 would avoid nearly 0.3 degrees Celsius of global warming by the 2040s. BOSTON – The newly released Global Methane Assessment from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) makes clear that significantly cutting methane emissions is “absolutely critical, hugely beneficial,…
Leaders Summit on Climate: 5 Key Takeaways from CATF
The dust has settled from the first-ever Leaders Summit on Climate at the White House, a gathering of more than 40 heads of state and subnational leaders convened by President Joe Biden. The two-day virtual event served as both the U.S.’s reintroduction to the global climate stage and a key checkpoint for world governments on the road to COP26 in Glasgow. Here are Clean Air…
CATF Statement on EU Climate Targets
Climate targets are a helpful indicator of political will, and we’re happy that the European Union has made a positive step in the right direction. But the conversation has to shift from climate targets to climate action. Without significant measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions this decade, these 2050 climate…