CATF Resources
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The Role of Short-Lived Forcers Toward Stabilizing Climate
BC and Climate Change at the Third Pole
Policy Options for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Testimony of Jonathan Banks Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Sectoral Climate Policies: Exploring Multiple Sectoral Climate Policies to Achieve Economy Wide GHG Reductions
Black Carbon and Climate Change at the Third Pole
Health Impacts of Diesel, Based on Data from NATA
Diesel particles cause widespread damage to human health. This report estimates the impact of on road and off road sources of diesel particles.
The Carbon Dioxide-Equivalent Benefits of Reducing Black Carbon Emissions from U.S. Class 8 Trucks
Debates over climate change have shifted from scientific evidence of anthropogenic contribution to the greenhouse effect to the development of strategies to mitigate the impacts of global warming.
Innovation Policy for Climate Change: A Report to the Nation
The world is not on a path to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The suite of commercially viable climate-friendly energy technology needs to be expanded rapidly, which in turn requires appropriate government policies. The current high cost of delivering low-carbon energy means that energy-climate technologies must be treated by governments as…