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New CATF tool maps the staggering U.S. health and economic damages caused by diesel emissions
A new interactive tool from Clean Air Task Force maps the staggering damage that diesel emissions from the transportation sector inflict on U.S. communities.
GAO report highlights the importance of DOE carbon capture and storage demonstration funding
GAO report on carbon capture and storage shows where things stand now and what’s possible in the future under improved policy conditions.
Carbon Management Provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law on November 15, contains the largest single investment in carbon management provisions since the Department of Energy (DOE) began funding carbon capture research in 1997.
Why Supporting Hydrogen in Build Back Better is Good for the Climate
Six reasons that the hydrogen production tax credit (PTC) in the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) is good policy and essential to kickstart full decarbonization.
President Biden announces 24/7 carbon-free electricity commitment, leveraging buying power to advance critical carbon-free technologies
President Biden announced today an executive order committing the U.S. federal government to procuring 100% and 24/7 carbon-free electricity
CATF Testimony to EPA on New Source Performance Standards
Clean Air Task Force experts gave the following testimony at the November 30th EPA listening session on new performance standards to regulate methane emissions from the U.S. oil and gas sector. Darin Schroeder, Staff Attorney I am Darin Schroeder, and I’m an attorney with Clean Air Task Force. First, I…
Build Back Better Act offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance carbon capture
The Build Back Better Act improves the critical lever of U.S. carbon management market development, 45Q tax credits.
How will H.R. 5376 help the United States Build Back Better?
A summary of Build Back Better Act measures that seek to drive economic development along a low-carbon trajectory