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Aligning climate and development objectives in Africa’s energy transition
For many African nations, mitigating the threat of climate change while pursuing socio-economic development and broad-based prosperity for citizens will involve complex tradeoffs.
COP27: It’s Africa’s time to lead
As the interdependencies of these issues come into focus, I see an opportunity for Africa to take charge of its energy and climate future.
Cut methane to avoid passing climate tipping points
We can take quick action now by cutting methane emissions to stop the pollution that is causing much of the melting in the first place.
COP26: Africa is not a single static data point
The continent’s shift to clean power must be seen in the context of energy shortfalls, growing populations, and big differences between countries.
Discourse matters: The net-zero agenda and Africa’s priorities
For African countries, issues of adaptation, climate finance and loss and damage are as important as net-zero ambitions.
Opportunities for carbon capture and storage projects in Angola
Angola has good preconditions and hydrocarbon reserves that present ideal opportunities for carbon dioxide storage.
Clean Air Task Force selected to host a Young African Climate Leader
Clean Air Task Force is pleased to announce that it has been selected to host Nair de Sousa, a Fellow from Angola, in the Professional Development Experience (PDE) component of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders from August 9 to September 17, 2021, sponsored by the U.S. Department…
Nigeria Shows its commitment to cutting methane pollution
Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa and one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the world, is setting the stage for deep reductions in methane pollution from the oil and gas sector. Nigeria’s recent submission to the UNFCCC on its commitments to the Paris climate accords…