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Work Area: Superhot Rock GeothermalContent Type: All Resources
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A Vision for Poland’s Clean Energy Transition
Executive Summary Poland’s energy transition, while it abounds with challenges due to the scale of the transformation, offers growth opportunities that should be properly evaluated and utilised. As one of the most carbon-intensive economies in Europe, the country needs to expedite necessary reforms for a fully decarbonised energy system that…
Policy Brief: Earth Energy Innovation
Earth’s deep heat is inexhaustible, available at all times, and could provide clean firm electricity at the scale necessary to decarbonize.
Perceptions of clean energy technologies in Europe
Clean Air Task Force, together with the policy and advocacy consultancy Stonehaven, conducted public polling on awareness and perception of clean energy technologies (including advanced nuclear energy, carbon capture and storage (CCS), low-carbon hydrogen, and superhot rock (SHR) geothermal energy) across six different European countries: Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom (UK). This presentation explores the results…
A Preliminary Techno-Economic Model of Superhot Rock Energy
This report illustrates that, with engineering innovations in deep drilling, reservoir creation, well construction and downhole tools, superhot rock energy could achieve competitive costs at scale.
Superhot Rock Energy: A Vision for Firm, Global Zero-Carbon Energy
Superhot rock energy is a form of advanced geothermal energy that uses innovative deep drilling techniques.
CATF Comments EU 2030 Climate Plan Strategy
The Clean Air Task Force submitted comments on the European Commission’s efforts to increase climate ambition, and the EU’s pursuit of policies to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth.
CATF and Energy Options Network Advanced Supercritical Geothermal Power Systems Workshop
On May 7, 2019, the Clean Air Task Force and the Energy Options Network sponsored a workshop in Washington DC exploring the opportunities for advanced engineered geothermal systems to supply zero carbon electricity and heat. The agenda and presentations are linked below: Geothermal Workshop Agenda Advanced Supercritical Geothermal Power Systems…
Testimony in Support of the Climate and Community Protection Act, S. 2992
View this testimony in support of the Climate and Community Protection Act, S. 2992 before the State of New York Senate-Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.