CATF Risorse
Protected: Building Future-Proof CO2 Transport Infrastructure in Europe
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A Policy Framework for Scaling Up Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States
The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for storage in durable carbon sinks is an indispensable strategy in efforts to prevent the worst effects of climate change.
Carbon Capture and Storage in Michigan
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a suite of technologies that reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution from power plants and industrial facilities by at least 95%. CCS captures CO2 and other pollutants directly from a facility before they are emitted. The CO2 is then compressed and transported to where…
Restructuring Innovation for the Zero-Carbon Climate: Blueprint for an Innovation Technology Framework
A fresh look at the new institutions, policies, and strategies – the Innovation Technology Framework – that we must construct if we hope to provide affordable, carbon-free energy at a scale equal to the climate challenge.
Lacune, sfide e percorsi da seguire per energia superhot rock: Rapporto di sintesi
Relazione riassuntiva di un'indagine sui metodi, le sfide e i percorsi da seguire per l'energia geotermica da rocce superhot.
Protected: Federal Funding Programs for Clean Energy Deployment: A Guide for States
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CATF Bellona joint letter on CCS in the Clean Industrial Deal
CATF, alongside Bellona and 37 other signatories, calls for an ambitious Clean Industrial Deal to drive industrial decarbonisation in Europe. CCS deployment is essential to achieving EU climate goals and the CID is a key opportunity to solidify Europe’s leadership in climate action. The letter calls for commissioners to:
Unearthing the Reality of “Zombie Energy Systems” in Africa’s Energy Transition
Africa’s energy transition is unique and complicated by – among other things – the pervasive presence of “Zombie Energy Systems.”