Carbon Capture and
Storage in the U.S.
With passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), there is significant new momentum to combat the climate challenge and meet U.S. emissions targets by installing critically needed carbon capture and storage technologies.
The dedicated spending and expanded tax credits in the IRA and IIJA have given developers even more reason to focus on capturing carbon pollution from air emissions waste streams and permanently storing it underground.
Mappa interattiva CCS
Carbon capture projects in the U.S.
CATF has built an interactive map that tracks carbon capture projects that have been publicly announced in the U.S. Users can click on the colored circles on the map to learn about each project’s location, sector (industrial, power, or direct air capture), type of CO₂ storage, storage capacity and current status.
Interactive Class VI Wells Map
Class VI wells for geologic storage of CO2
Nearly all carbon capture and storage projects in the U.S. will require captured emissions to be permanently stored in deep geologic formations via Class VI wells. CATF’s interactive map tracks all the currently pending Class VI well applications and active Class VI wells in the U.S., as well as the current Class VI primacy status by state.
CCS Fact Sheets
Carbon capture and storage deployment in the U.S.
Explore these regional and state-specific fact sheets to help understand the process, economics, benefits, and risks to deploying carbon capture and storage in the U.S.
Air pollutant reductions from carbon capture
Questo rapporto fornisce un'analisi ingegneristica rigorosa dell'impatto sulla qualità dell'aria dell'integrazione della tecnologia di cattura del carbonio in due processi industriali difficilmente decarbonizzabili e rileva una riduzione significativa degli inquinanti atmosferici dannosi per la salute insieme alla riduzione dell'inquinamento da carbonio.
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