David McCabe
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CATF Launches the Country Methane Abatement Tool
CATF’s Country Methane Abatement Tool (CoMAT) lets countries estimate how much methane pollution they can reduce from their oil and gas industries even when they have limited information about the industry and its current emissions.
Canada Issues Comprehensive Oil and Gas Methane Regulations
On April 25th, Catherine McKenna, the Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister, finalized robust, nationwide standards designed to cut methane pollution from the oil and gas industry by roughly 40-45 percent.
API’s “Environmental Partnership:” Years Behind the Curve on Methane from the Oil and Gas Industry
This week, the American Petroleum Institute (API) launched its “Environmental Partnership” with 26 oil and gas companies to target reductions of methane pollution from three different sources.
Science 101 for Administrator Pruitt
Tomorrow the Earth Day March for Science will happen on the National Mall in DC, and over 500 satellite marches will take place in other locations around the world. Like most of those marching, we never thought we would need to make the case for integrity in environmental science. It…
A Good First Step – But We Have a Long Way to go on Oil and Gas
Earlier this week USEPA took a long-awaited and critical first step to reduce emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane from the oil and gas industry. Oil and gas is the largest industrial source of methane pollution, and the standards for methane will also reduce pollution that causes ozone smog…
Putting Out the Fire: Low-cost Solutions are Available to Prevent Flaring in Tight Oil Fields
Flaring of associated natural gas from oil wells in shale formations like the Eagle Ford in Texas and the Bakken in North Dakota has been growing rapidly for several years. Some well developers have acted responsibly, ensuring that gas pipelines with enough capacity are in place at wells before oil…
Nationwide Standards are Key to Reducing Emissions from Oil and Gas
Recently oil and gas industry lobbyists have been excitedly reporting about how the industry has “substantially reduced methane emissions” through voluntary efforts. For example, Energy in Depth, a project of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), has produced an infographictouting reductions in methane emissions from selected oil and gas…
Clean Up All Local Gas Distribution Leaks (Not Just Underground!)
The US Department of Energy and EPA’s Inspector General have called attention in the past two weeks to an important issue – harmful methane emissions from the systems that distribute natural gas in cities and towns. There’s been some effort to clean up methane from natural gas systems in recent…