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Do it right – the IRS shows why it pays to comply with storage standards
Thanks to Senator Robert Menendez’s (D-NJ) persistent efforts, the IRS just provided him with details on how it is enforcing compliance with the 45Q tax credit for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). The IRS letter underscores the importance of transparency and appropriate oversight of geologic storage as a part…
Public Health and Environmental Coalition Argues D.C. Circuit Should Vacate Unlawful Rollback of Clean Power Plan
(Washington, D.C. – April 17, 2020) The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit should vacate EPA’s “unlawful replacement” for the Clean Power Plan and remand the issue to the agency so it can swiftly establish meaningful protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants, according to public health…
CATF Statement on Final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
In possibly the most cynical move to date by the Trump Administration in its efforts to revive the flagging coal industry, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler today signed a final rule reversing a twenty-year old finding that it is “appropriate” under the Clean Air Act to regulate mercury and other airborne…
CATF Statement on EPA Proposal on NAAQS
Today, EPA has proposed a rule on the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM) that is yet another example of the Trump EPA failing to honor its core mission—to promote the American people’s public health. And in a time of a serious pandemic threatening the respiratory systems…
Europe Must Lead on Methane, Both Domestically and Internationally
Europe has long been one of the great lions of climate change advocacy. But in the halls of power throughout Europe there’s been a major blind spot: methane. Thankfully, that is changing. The European Union has set an ambitious goal for carbon neutrality, and Europeans have started to recognize that…
CATF Welcomes the First Non-Light Water Reactor License Application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) welcomes the submission by Oklo of the first ever non-light water reactor combined operating license application (COLA) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This important milestone paves the way for future deployment, additional applications, and allows for years of preparatory work by the NRC to be…
Clean Air Task Force Welcomes Introduction of the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act
Earlier this month, Representatives Conor Lamb (PA-17) and Dan Newhouse (WA-4) introduced H.R. 6097, the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act (NERDA). This bipartisan bill supports the role of existing and future nuclear technology to achieve national and international decarbonization goals and CATF welcomes its introduction. CATF considers nuclear energy…
CATF Statement on EPA Supplemental Proposed Rule on “Censored Science”
Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advanced another chapter in its effort to restrict the Agency’s use of the best available science by announcing a supplemental proposed rule that applies even more broadly than its original ill-conceived proposal. Despite strong opposition and concern expressed by the scientific community, environmentalists, and…