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Rethinking The Clean Energy “Race”
For the last five years, the Clean Air Task Force has been working with companies in China and the United States on joint ventures to develop and market clean energy technologies in both countries and around the world. Based on that experience, we believe that the metaphor of a zero-sum…
Natural Gas: Palliative, Not a Cure
Plentiful and cheap natural gas is the Prozac of American energy policy. It may take the edge off of some of our worst symptoms in the near term. But it can also dull us to solving key long term and chronic problems, especially regarding climate change. And, as with any…
Message to the EPA Administrator: Power Plant MACT Rules Must Meet Best In Breed Standard
Dear Ms. Jackson: EPA’s recent industrial boiler air toxics regulations – even compared with the draft rules proposed last Spring – disappointed on several significant fronts. As we at Clean Air Task Force see it, EPA’s “Boiler MACT” rule: Weakened emission limits by transparently fiddling with and adding new boiler…
Practical Cooperation on Coal, Climate
In his just-published remarks to the Washington Post prior to Wednesday’s upcoming summit with President Obama, Chinese President Hu called for “common ground” and “practical cooperation” between the two countries. From the standpoint of confronting our greatest mutual challenge — global climate change — the two largest emitters of greenhouse…
A Cleantech Revolution in Four Easy Steps
A recent National Academy of Sciences report notes that CO2 lasts thousands of years in the atmosphere, so if we really want to limit the damage from climate change, we’ll need to drop the world’s energy system to near-zero emissions by 2050. Yet the U.N.’s climate chief, Cristina Figueres, recently…