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Work Area: Carbon CaptureRegion: U.S.Content Type: All Resources
A Policy Framework for Scaling Up Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States
The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for storage in durable carbon sinks is an indispensable strategy in efforts to prevent the worst effects of climate change.
Carbon Capture and Storage in Michigan
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a suite of technologies that reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution from power plants and industrial facilities by at least 95%. CCS captures CO2 and other pollutants directly from a facility before they are emitted. The CO2 is then compressed and transported to where…
Class VI Primacy: What is it?
EPA grants primacy over Class VI wells after finding that the state has regulatory provisions at least as stringent as federal requirements.
Carbon capture and storage: What can we learn from the project track record?
This report examines 13 significant projects that have employed carbon capture and storage technologies at a large scale.
A New Look at Carbon Capture and Storage Opportunities in Pennsylvania
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one strategy to mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that contribute to climate change.
Carbon Capture and Storage in Louisiana
Understanding the process, economics, benefits, and risks is paramount to informed decision making about carbon capture deployment in Louisiana.
Carbon Capture and Storage in the Midwest
Carbon capture and storage refers to a suite of technologies that reduce carbon dioxide pollution from industrial facilities and power plants.
Carbon Capture and Storage in Colorado
Technologies such as carbon capture and storage will be needed to achieve Colorado’s climate targets.