Report outlines roadmap to accelerating California’s clean energy transition
Recommendations from Clean Air Task Force and Environmental Defense Fund would support equity, efficacy, and efficiency in state’s approach to deploying clean energy infrastructure.
SACRAMENTO – A new report released by Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) calls on state policymakers to implement a comprehensive Clean Energy Deployment Plan to overcome key challenges to achieving California’s clean energy transition and ensure California’s climate and clean energy goals can be met on time.
The report, “Growing the Grid: A Plan to Accelerate California’s Clean Energy Transition,” recommends the development and implementation of a comprehensive, nimble, and transparent statewide plan that includes a diverse portfolio of clean energy technologies and infrastructure to accelerate the energy transition, from wind and solar generation to hydrogen production to clean firm power and more.
“California continues to be a leader in addressing climate change and supporting a clean energy transition, as most recently demonstrated by the passage of Gov. Newsom’s climate package aimed at advancing a zero-carbon economy,” said Armond Cohen, president and founder of CATF. “But to achieve its ambitious goals, the state needs a comprehensive path forward to rapidly expand and transform its infrastructure. By developing and implementing a comprehensive Clean Energy Deployment Plan that engages local governments and communities, California can achieve its climate goals and chart a pathway that the rest of the country and the world can follow.”
“Californians deserve an affordable, clean, and safe electric grid. A Clean Energy Deployment Plan will facilitate this transition,” said Michael Colvin, director of the California energy program at EDF. “A diverse set of clean energy technologies and infrastructure will be the foundation of a zero-emissions economy and will be essential to reach the state’s climate targets.”
The recommended approach also includes an emphasis on public education and engagement with key stakeholders, including local governments and communities, and the advancement of supportive policies that ensure local economic benefits and enhance the state’s role in system planning, siting, and financing. It also emphasizes the importance of assigning a lead agency with vested authority to develop and execute the plan and recommends that the state create and maintain an online dashboard to track progress toward key milestones to support accountability and build public trust. The full report and recommendations are available here.
About Clean Air Task Force: Clean Air Task Force (CATF) is a global nonprofit organization working to safeguard against the worst impacts of climate change by catalyzing the rapid development and deployment of low-carbon energy and other climate-protecting technologies. With 25 years of internationally recognized expertise on climate policy and a fierce commitment to exploring all potential solutions, CATF is a pragmatic, non-ideological advocacy group with the bold ideas needed to address climate change. CATF has offices in Boston, Washington D.C., and Brussels, with staff working virtually around the world. Visit catf.us and follow @cleanaircatf.
About Environmental Defense Fund: One of the world’s leading international nonprofit organizations, Environmental Defense Fund (edf.org) creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With more than 3 million members and offices in the United States, China, Mexico, Indonesia and the European Union, EDF’s scientists, economists, attorneys and policy experts are working in 28 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter @EnvDefenseFund and @EDF_CA.