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What Climate Science Really Says About Carbon Capture

December 8, 2020 Work Area: Carbon Capture

Watch Lee Beck, CCUS Policy Innovation Director, taking part of a panel discussion on the science behind carbon capture and utilization strategies. She summed up the findings afterwards,

“The question is no longer if we need carbon capture, but how much we need to achieve net-zero emissions. We need to keep all options open to achieve a least-cost net-zero energy transition, and enable each country and region to formulate it’s own decarbonization pathway. It is against this backdrop that we need to understand and plan for the scale-up of carbon capture, removal, and storage.”

This event was co-hosted by Third Way, Clean Air Task Force, the World Resources Institute, the National Wildlife Federation, and Carbon180 with the intention of answering two questions:

  1. Do we really need CCUS to help solve the climate crisis?
  2. And can it be compatible with efforts to promote environmental justice?

Along with the host organisations, these questions were tackled by a group of leading contributors to IPCC reports.


  • Moderator: Dean Scott, Senior Congressional Reporter, Bloomberg Environment
  • Ms. Sam McCulloch, Head of Carbon Capture Use and Storage at the International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Dr. Glen Peters, Research Director for the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), an author of IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, and a lead author of the Sixth Assessment Report (forthcoming)
  • Prof. Dr. Heleen de Coninck, Professor in socio-technical innovation and climate change at Eindhoven University of Technology, Coordinating Lead Author of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C (2018) and for the Sixth Assessment Report (forthcoming)
  • Shannon Heyck-Williams, Director of Climate and Energy Policy, National Wildlife Federation
  • Dr. Jen Wilcox, Senior Fellow at World Resources Institute and Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Dr. Shuchi Talati, Senior Policy Advisor, Carbon180
  • Dr. Matt Bright, Carbon Capture and Industrial Emissions Policy Advisor, Third Way


The opening presentations from this event are available for download below:

  • The IPCC, its special report on 1.5°C and CO2 capture and storage. By Prof. Dr. Heleen de Coninck [Download PDF]
  • Do we really need CCUS? By Dr. Glen Peters [Download PDF]
  • CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions. By Samantha McCulloch [Download PDF]

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