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Potential Human Health Impacts Associated with Retirement of Nuclear Power Plants in Illinois
CATF’s analysis finds significant health and associated economic impact from the loss of zero emission nuclear plants in Illinois. This leads to social, personal and economy-wide consequences for the citizens of Illinois and surrounding states that could be avoided if nuclear plants in Illinois continue to operate. Clean Air Task…
RFS Politics Keep Ping-Ponging and the Environment Keeps Losing
If a contest was held to identify the Trump Administration’s most haywire, least efficient, most higgledy-piggledy exercise in policymaking, its implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard would have to be in the running. Surely other policy initiatives have caused more harm in the past three years, environmental and otherwise—but the…
What’s the Best Climate Policy?
With Thoughtful Design, Policymakers Have Several Good Options
Wheeler’s effort to run over science hits bumps in the road
Science Advisory Board members voice concerns and seek answers from EPA as board engages in consultation and full review of EPA’s Censored Science proposal
Putting Out the Fire: Reducing Flaring in Tight Oil Fields
Tight oil development in North Dakota and part of Texas is now so extensive that the associated light pollution can be seen from space via satellite images.
EPA to propose eliminating methane regulations, CATF comments
As it has attempted to do numerous times over the first two and a half years of President Trump’s Administration, EPA today announced a proposal to remove pivotal greenhouse gas regulations for the oil and natural gas industry in a move that has dangerous repercussions for our climate. Today’s announcement…
Key Climate Rule Still Stands
Despite constant pressure from the oil and natural gas lobby, the 2016 EPA methane standards for the oil and gas industry still stand strong.
Building America’s Clean Future: Pathways to Decarbonize the Economy
Armond Cohen Testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change