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RePowerEU: Europe must find win-win climate solutions as it seeks energy security
RePowerEU is an opportunity for European policymakers to seek new energy security options that also deliver deep decarbonisation.
Europe’s new gas deals should prioritize wasted methane
To wean Europe off Russian gas, leaders are scrambling to find new supplies to quench their countries’ thirst for energy.
Submission to EU Call for Evidence: Certification of Carbon Removals
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) welcomes the European Commission’s climate ambition, leadership on decarbonisation and innovation, and pursuit of policies to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth. CATF supports the development of all forms of carbon dioxide removals where greenhouse gases can be verifiably removed from the atmosphere. CATF…
A European Strategy for Carbon Capture and Storage
Executive Summary A critical decade for carbon capture and storage With the advent of legally binding commitments to achieve ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner there has been a marked growth in efforts to deploy carbon capture and storage across in Europe. This concept encompasses the suite…
A European Strategy for Carbon Capture and Storage
In a major new report, Clean Air Task Force outlines a set of concrete steps needed to produce a comprehensive carbon capture and storage strategy fit for Europe’s climate ambitions. There has already been a marked growth in efforts to deploy carbon management technologies across Europe. But efforts to deploy…
Why funders need to look beyond electricity for economy-wide decarbonization
Industrial processes – particularly the production of steel, cement, and chemicals – account for around a quarter of global CO2 emissions.
The gap between funding for carbon capture and storage projects and other emissions reduction options
Analysis by Carbon Limits for Clean Air Task Force has assessed some of the capital funding from major EU support schemes for renewable energy since 2012 on the basis of euros spent per tonne of CO2 avoided.
Fit for 55: Decarbonising European Shipping
With the Fit for 55 proposals, EU policymakers finally can address emissions from shipping and its major impact on climate change and air quality.