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US State of the Union unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Einsatzes sauberer Energie und strenger Umweltkontrollen

March 7, 2024

WASHINGTON – At this year’s State of the Union, President Biden highlighted the progress that’s been made to implement climate and clean energy laws, from building a robust clean energy workforce to getting projects on the ground in communities across the country.   

“We appreciate President Biden’s continued commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions and address legacy pollution,” says Lindsey Griffith, U.S. Policy and Advocacy Director at Clean Air Task Force. “The U.S. has made tremendous progress on climate over the last few years – progress that has been bolstered by the Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and key federal regulations aimed at advancing clean energy technologies, cleaning up air pollution and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, federal investments are beginning to make their way into communities through provisions like the Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants and the Department of Energy’s Regional Hydrogen Hubs Program. The administration has also made important steps toward regulating particulate matter and methane emissions from oil and gas facilities. Together, these laws and regulations represent a significant opportunity for the U.S. to achieve national and global climate goals, but the work is far from over. 

“There are still critical guidance and regulations that have yet to be finalized, including carbon pollution standards for the fossil fuel fleet, heavy-duty vehicle standards, and clean hydrogen production guidance. All of these must be finalized expeditiously and to the strongest degree. Now is not the time to slow down. We look forward to continuing to work with the administration, Congress, and other stakeholders to maintain the momentum built over the last several years.” 

CATF has launched an implementation hub to track and support progress at federal and local levels to take advantage of these historic federal resources to unlock emissions reductions. Learn more here

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Samantha Sadowski, Kommunikationsmanagerin, USA, ssadowski@catf.us, +1 202-440-1717

Über Clean Air Task Force 

Clean Air Task Force (CATF) ist eine globale gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich für den Schutz vor den schlimmsten Auswirkungen des Klimawandels einsetzt, indem sie die rasche Entwicklung und den Einsatz von kohlenstoffarmen Energien und anderen klimaschützenden Technologien vorantreibt. Mit mehr als 25 Jahren international anerkannter Expertise in der Klimapolitik und einem leidenschaftlichen Engagement für die Erforschung aller potenziellen Lösungen ist CATF eine pragmatische, nicht ideologische Interessengruppe mit den mutigen Ideen, die für die Bewältigung des Klimawandels erforderlich sind. CATF hat Büros in Boston, Washington D.C. und Brüssel, mit Mitarbeitern, die virtuell auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten. Besuchen Sie catf.us und folgen Sie @cleanaircatf. 

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