John Thompson
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When Good Science Gets Badly Communicated
Last week provides a cautionary tale of what happens when a string of miscommunications turns good science into bad journalism. MIT Study Could Deflate Hopes For Coal Plant Carbon Capture And Storage reads the January 30 headline from Forbes. The story states: “a leading university reveals that the earth’s belly…
Carbon Capture and Storage – Why It’s Essential
EPA’s move last week to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants marks the beginning of an era of widespread use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in fossil power generation. Going forward, in the absence of any other technology allowing emissions reductions, all new coal-fired power plants must…
The Dash for Gas – No Climate Cure Without CCS
With the advent of unconventional gas technologies, the energy industry has turned toward natural gas as an alternative to coal, a step to energy independence and a solution to climate change worldwide. However, without CCS, natural gas will be unable to achieve needed reductions from the utility sector without carbon…