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Capitolio del Estado de California

CATF amplía sus actividades de promoción en el estado de California y da la bienvenida a Ashley Arax como responsable principal de políticas, con una década de experiencia y profundos vínculos con California

December 13, 2023

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Clean Air Task Force (CATF) welcomes Ashley Arax as Senior California Policy Manager to the U.S. State Energy and Climate Policy Program. Ashley will leverage her deep ties to the state by collaborating with government officials, community groups, and others to advance durable climate and clean energy policies.  

“California is a global leader in climate and clean energy policy, raising ambition and seizing opportunities for climate progress, and we are excited to welcome Ashley as CATF expands it work in the state,” said Armond Cohen, CATF’s Executive Director. “CATF has been deeply engaged in California, where just last year we worked to help reform the permitting processes and funding mechanisms for clean infrastructure, partnered with Lawrence Livermore National Lab to help landowners understand the value of carbon storage projects on their land, and are supporting work to envision bottom-up clean energy planning. Ashley’s extensive environmental policy experience for nearly a decade in the state will be critical as we build on our efforts to advance climate solutions to meet the demand for reliable, affordable energy in California.” 

Prior to joining CATF, Ashley spent nearly seven years at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) where she most recently served as the Deputy Legislative Director in the Office of Legislative Affairs. In this role, she led a team that oversaw all state and federal legislative efforts related to CARB’s climate and air quality programs.   

“I am excited to join CATF to advance climate solutions in California that build on the momentum of the last few years,” said Ashley Arax, Senior California Policy Manager at CATF. “As the world’s fifth largest economy, California plays a leadership role in setting precedent for bold climate action, particularly in key sectors like electricity, industry, and transportation. I look forward to working with policymakers, community groups, NGOs, and other stakeholders to advocate for innovative climate and clean energy policies that address climate change, improve air quality, and protect public health.” 

CATF’s work in California includes successful efforts to accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy, ensure sufficient low-cost, carbon-free energy resources are available to complement wind and solar, extend the life of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, and advance carbon capture and storage in the state. CATF is also leading efforts on clean infrastructure deployment and is working with a group of San Joaquin Valley counties to model how the clean energy transition can help the Valley meet its economic and air quality goals.  

Contacto con la prensa

Samantha Sadowski, Directora de Comunicación, Estados Unidos,, +1 202-440-1717

Acerca de Clean Air Task Force 

Clean Air Task Force (CATF) es una organización mundial sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja para protegerse de los peores impactos del cambio climático catalizando el rápido desarrollo y despliegue de energías bajas en carbono y otras tecnologías de protección del clima. Con 25 años de experiencia reconocida internacionalmente en política climática y un compromiso feroz para explorar todas las soluciones potenciales, CATF es un grupo de defensa pragmático y no ideológico con las ideas audaces necesarias para abordar el cambio climático. CATF tiene oficinas en Boston, Washington D.C. y Bruselas, con personal que trabaja virtualmente en todo el mundo. Visite y siga a @cleanaircatf.

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