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Work Area: Carbon CaptureContent Type: All Resources
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Testimony in Support of the Climate and Community Protection Act, S. 2992
View this testimony in support of the Climate and Community Protection Act, S. 2992 before the State of New York Senate-Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.
Carbon Capture & Storage in the United States Power Sector
This new report is based on a CATF-led U.S. power sector modeling study, which finds that 45Q federal tax credits for carbon capture & storage (CCS) can have a significant impact on CO2 emissions reductions by 2030.
Achieving a Near-Zero Carbon Power Grid: Presentation to the New Mexico Legislature, Senate Conservation Committee
To address climate change, we need a near-zero carbon power system by mid-century. Our chances of reaching this goal are much better if, in addition to using renewables, we have the option to use a diversity of low carbon power sources, including firm sources. Public policies today should not foreclose…
New US Tax Incentives for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage: The FUTURE Act
Why Subpart RR?: The Role of Subpart RR of EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule in Validating Secure Geologic Storage
The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Subpart RR and why it is essential to complement the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act’s Underground Injection Control Program to ensure secure geologic carbon dioxide storage and robust accounting.
CATF Letter in Support of USE IT Senate Bill
The Clean Air Task Force writes a letter in support of the Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies (USE IT) Act – introduced by Chairman Barrasso and cosponsored by Senators Whitehouse, Capito and Heitkamp.
The Role of 45Q Carbon Capture Incentives in Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The 115th Congress is considering tax incentives that would reduce CO2 emissions by tens of millions of tonnes annually, in the form of the FUTURE Act (S 1353) and the Carbon Capture Act (HR 3761). The language in these bills would extend and expand Section 45Q of the U.S. tax…
How Much Does CCS Really Cost? An Analysis of Phased Investment in Partial CO2 Capture and Storage for New Coal Power Plants in the United States