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20. November 2024

COP29 | Minderung von Methan aus Abfällen im globalen Süden: Wege zur COP30 in Belem


Details zur Veranstaltung:

November 20, 2024
15:00 – 16:30

Waste and Resources Pavilion, Green Zone


International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

Über die Veranstaltung

Waste management is an essential pillar in the action against climate change and environmental degradation. Unsustainable waste practices contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, while poorly managed waste systems exacerbate public health risks and damage natural ecosystems. For Latin America and other developing regions, waste challenges are compounded by growing populations, urbanization, and limited infrastructure, underscoring the need for integrated and sustainable waste management solutions.

As the world prepared for COP30 in Belem, this “Road to COP30” event provides a platform to highlight strategies, policies, and collaborative efforts that can transform waste management systems globally. By exploring innovative approaches and sharing best practices, this session aims to inspire action and showcase how sustainable waste management contributes to climate resilience and environmental justice, particularly in vulnerable communities.

CATF Sprecher

Paula García Holley, Politikmanagerin für Lateinamerika, Prävention von Methanverschmutzung

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