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Work Area: Land SystemsContent Type: All Resources
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Comments on California ARB’s ILUC Review
In response to the California Air Resource Board’s ongoing review of indirect land use change (ILUC) emissions and their effect on the carbon intensity calculations for biofuels, CATF shared its analyses of recent studies that examine water availability, yields, and other key factors that influence ILUC.
Comments on EPA’s Proposed RFS Pathway for Brassica Carinata Biofuels
In response to EPA’s proposed determination that fuels made from the oilseed crop brassica carinata can qualify as “advanced biofuels” under the Renewable Fuel Standard, CATF comments focus on several problematic assumptions in the Agency’s lifecycle GHG emissions analysis.
Letter to Senators Describing the RFS’s Negative Impact of Environment and Food Security
In a letter sent to eleven US senators, the Clean Air Task Force, Environmental Working Group, ActionAid USA, and Oxfam America detail the Renewable Fuel Standard’s negative impact on both the environment and global food security, and urge the senators to reform the policy.
CATF Comments to EPA Science Advisory Board’s Panel on Biogenic Carbon Emissions
The SAB Panel on Biogenic Carbon Emissions, which advised EPA in 2012 on how to account for GHG emitted by biomass-burning facilities, was reconvened in 2015. CATF’s comments to the Panel summarize the biomass-related regulatory actions that EPA has taken since 2012 and outline principles that can be used by…
CATF Comments on Proposed Re-Adoption of California LCFS and ILUC Analysis
In addition to urging the Air Resources Board to readopt California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard through 2020, CATF’s comments illustrate the analytic- and policy-related problems with ARB staff’s proposal to reduce the lifecycle GHG assessment for corn ethanol.
Corn Butanol: Economics and Performance of Gevo’s Technology
Butanol made from corn starch poses many of the same climate threats associated with corn ethanol.
Comments on EPA’s Proposed 2014 RFS Volume Requirements
In its proposed adjustments to the RFS mandate for 2014, EPA would address the blend wall by reducing the annual volume requirements for advanced biofuels and, more significantly, for corn ethanol. CATF’s comments detail the environmental benefits of EPA’s proposal.
Letter of Support for the Feinstein-Coburn Bill to Eliminate the Corn Ethanol Mandate
CATF supports the Feinstein-Coburn bill in conjunction with a diverse collection of groups concerned about corn ethanol and the RFS, including environmental organizations, anti-hunger advocates, livestock and poultry producers, restaurant owners, small engine manufacturers, and others.