Thank you, EU lawmakers, for reducing global methane pollution
EU policymakers recently passed the bloc’s first major methane regulation – notable for including a groundbreaking new methane import standard that addresses methane emissions from imported oil and gas.
As the world’s largest importer of oil and gas, the EU took advantage of its unique position and leveraged its buying power and climate ambition to drastically reduce global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.
Special thank you to all the negotiators and staff involved in designing the regulation, including but not limited to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy, the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, and Members of the European Parliament Jutta Paulus, Pascal Canfin, Maria Spyraki and Martin Hojsík.
Benefits of the EU Methane Regulation:

1/3 Oil and Gas Emissions Reduced Globally
The EU Methane Regulation has the potential to reduce 1/3 of global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.

10 Million Lives Improved
The EU Methane Regulation has the potential to improve the health of almost 10 million people living near flares in EU oil and gas supplying countries.

20x Climate Benefits
With an import standard included, the EU Methane Regulation will reduce 20 times more methane emissions than a regulation covering only domestic EU oil and gas production.
The global impact of the methane import standard:
- With a methane import standard included, the Methane Regulation has the potential to reduce almost a third (33%) of global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, which represents 7% of all man-made methane emissions globally.
- If these reductions are accomplished by 2030, they represent a 20% progress towards achieving the Global Methane Pledge goal which was spearheaded by EU leaders.
- The import standard will reduce 20 times more methane emissions than a regulation covering only domestic EU oil and gas production.
- The amount of gas saved represents €54 billion in savings to exporting partner countries and €1 billion for oil and gas producing countries within the EU.
- The total gas saved – 91 billion cubic meters (bcm) – represents almost the entire yearly consumption of Germany (94 bcm), which is the highest consumer of gas in the EU and one of the largest importers of gas in the world.
- An import standard will improve the lives of almost 10 million people living within 5km of flares in EU supply countries.
Smart methane policy
Apart from a methane import standard, the EU Methane Regulation
contains four other key components:
1. Ban on Routine Venting and Flaring for the Oil and Gas Sector
The EU Methane Regulation bans routine venting and flaring and limits non-routine venting and flaring to unavoidable circumstances, such as for emergency and safety reasons. This ban is key for tackling methane pollution as routine venting and flaring are the largest sources of methane emissions within the EU and around the globe.
2. Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV)
The EU Methane Regulation is the first regulation globally that requires measurement, reporting, and verification of methane emissions, both from specific sources and from entire facilities, using direct measurements rather than estimates. As such, this regulation will establish a robust and scientifically rigorous system to identify issues as well as to assess the progress achieved by methane emission abatement programs.
3. Dealing with Abandoned and Unused Oil and Gas Wells
We do not know the total number of abandoned wells in Europe; therefore, the EU Methane Regulation requires companies to create an inventory of abandoned and unused oil and gas wells, monitor their emissions, and adopt a plan to mitigate these emissions as soon as possible. This requirement could lead to substantial reductions in methane emissions from abandoned wells as well as employment opportunities in oil and gas producing Member States.
4. Methane Transparency Database and Rapid Alert Mechanism for Super-Emitting Events
The new EU Methane regulation also features key mechanisms that will help improve the quality and transparency of emissions data, providing information to importers and consumers on the suppliers’ performance and so helping them make decisions regarding new energy contracts.
The rapid alert mechanism will spur action to address large methane leaks detected inside and outside EU borders. Ultimately, both mechanisms will be instrumental for reducing methane emissions globally.
Thank you, EU leaders, for taking action on methane pollution
Survey shows widespread support for methane regulations
Les citoyens européens de France, d'Italie, d'Allemagne et de Pologne sont très favorables à une réglementation stricte visant à réduire les émissions de méthane. CATF a constaté que les Européens étaient largement favorables à une réglementation stricte sur le méthane après avoir mené une enquête transnationale, la première du genre, sur les attitudes du public à l'égard de la réglementation du méthane dans le secteur de l'énergie.
Feuille de route pour l'élaboration d'une norme d'importation de méthane dans l'UE
L'UE importe 90 % du gaz et 97 % du pétrole qu'elle consomme, ce qui signifie qu'en mettant en œuvre une norme d'importation rigoureuse pour ces combustibles fossiles, l'UE peut prendre des mesures pour encourager la réduction du méthane chez ses partenaires commerciaux, réduisant ainsi les émissions mondiales associées à la consommation de gaz de l'Europe.
L’opportunité pour l’UE de réduire la pollution à la torche et de protéger des millions de personnes
Dans cette étude, Clean Air Task Force montre que les importations de pétrole et de gaz dans l'Union européenne exposent près de 10 millions de personnes à une pratique évitable connue sous le nom de torchage, dont on sait qu'elle libère des niveaux élevés de produits chimiques nocifs. En adoptant des normes strictes en matière d'importation de méthane, l'UE peut réduire les émissions mondiales de torchères et diminuer les risques pour la santé des populations avoisinantes.

The Impact of EU Methane Import Performance Standard
This report shows that a phased methane import performance standard could be implemented as early as 2027, and would reduce emissions associated with oil and gas imports by at least 1.9 million tons per year. The report shows that the standard would have minimal price impacts for natural gas, and not pose any risk to EU energy security.
Cela arrive aussi ici : La pollution par le méthane dans le réseau pétrolier et gazier européen
800+ methane emission sources identified around Europe highlights the need for strong EU Methane Regulation.
CATF a visité plus de 430 sites pétroliers et gaziers entre février 2021 et mars 2023, documentant 881 sources d'émissions de méthane dans 15 pays.