L'Allemagne fait un grand pas en avant avec la publication des points clés de sa stratégie de gestion du carbone
Berlin – Today, the German government has published key points of its Carbon Management Strategy, cementing the importance of carbon capture and storage in achieving Germany’s goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2045.
“As Europe’s largest economy and biggest emitter, all evidence points to the fact that carbon capture and storage will need to be deployed on a significant scale if Germany is to reach its climate targets,” said Lee Beck, CATF’s Senior Director, Europe and Middle East. “The Carbon Management Strategy is a significant first step to deploying carbon capture and storage, which German governments must now deliver on.”
The German Carbon Management Strategy comes after industrial producers and leading NGOs, including CATF, began calling on the German government to produce a strategy in 2021. As leading scientific evidence shows, carbon capture and storage will need to be deployed on a significant scale in Germany if it is to reach climate neutrality.
“The Strategy sets in motion several key actions for enabling carbon capture and storage in Germany, including the legislative revisions needed to establish CO2 pipeline networks and allow offshore storage of CO2 under Germany’s North Sea,” said Toby Lockwood, CATF’s Technology and Markets Director, Carbon Capture. “Following the example of some other EU Member States, carbon contracts for difference will be used to cover the funding gap still faced by the hard-to-abate sectors that will rely on carbon capture and storage to decarbonise.”
Deployment of carbon capture and storage will be particularly important for Europe’s largest industrial producer. Major regions like North Rhine-Westphalia host key industries such as cement, lime, chemicals, and steel, which must decarbonise. As CATF outlined last year, a Carbon Management Strategy is a core pillar of Germany’s effort to transform its industrial sectors to climate neutrality.
While the publication of the Carbon Management Strategy is a welcome development, it is essential that the first CO2 infrastructure projects reach final investment decisions. Developing the first cluster projects and ensuring access to CO2 storage for German industrial producers are crucial to cut emissions while preserving key German industries.
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Julia Kislitsyna, Communications Manager – Europe, +49 151 16 220 453, [email protected]
À propos de Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) est une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif qui œuvre à la protection contre les pires impacts du changement climatique en catalysant le développement et le déploiement rapides d'énergies à faible teneur en carbone et d'autres technologies de protection du climat. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expertise internationalement reconnue en matière de politique climatique et une volonté farouche d'explorer toutes les solutions potentielles, CATF est un groupe de défense pragmatique et non idéologique qui propose les idées audacieuses nécessaires pour lutter contre le changement climatique. CATF a des bureaux à Boston, Washington D.C. et Bruxelles, et son personnel travaille virtuellement dans le monde entier. Visitez catf.us et suivez @cleanaircatf.