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El Director General Lee Beck deja el cargo Clean Air Task Force

9 de diciembre de 2024

BOSTON – Today, Clean Air Task Force announces that Lee Beck, Senior Director, Europe, Middle East, and Africa will leave the organization at the end of the year to take on a new role as Senior Vice President for Global Policy and Commercial Strategy at HIF Global.  

“Lee’s strategic vision and tenacious advocacy have contributed significantly to CATF’s success,” said Armond Cohen, Executive Director of Clean Air Task Force. “She has helped push the global environmental community toward a more realistic reckoning with the climate challenge and has led teams that have driven major policy and commercial progress around the world. Her leadership has helped shape CATF into the global organization it is today” 

Beck played a critical role in advancing Clean Air Task Force’s efforts to design and pass innovative climate and energy policies, including the key clean energy provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act, the European Union’s Carbon Management Strategy, and global carbon management efforts. Her work helped governments in Europe and the Middle East to define and adopt a technology inclusive and regionally-tailored approach to climate action. More recently she helped to create the Nuclear Scaling Initiative. She also led CATF’s organizational strategy around global climate summits like the annual Conference of the Parties (COP), bringing CATF’s unique approach to the world’s largest climate stage. 

“I’m very proud of my work at CATF and all of the success my colleagues and I have achieved in changing the way the world addresses climate change,” Lee Beck said. “My work over the years has made it very clear to me that private-sector collaboration is key to research and advocacy that works in the real world, and that’s one of the reasons I’m excited to approach the challenge of global energy transformation from a new vantage point — joining the private sector to create business cases to propel at-scale deployment of solutions. AT HIF Global, I’m looking forward to working at the intersection of project, market, commercial and policy reality, and to continuing my work to expand the climate solution set and promote pragmatic approaches to climate action.” 

CATF’s directors in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East will continue to drive CATF’s work forward, advancing innovative policies and driving commercial progress around the world.  

Contacto con la prensa

Troy Shaheen, Director, Communications and Marketing, Clean Air Task Force, [email protected], +1 845-750-1189 

Acerca de Clean Air Task Force 

Clean Air Task Force (CATF) es una organización mundial sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja para protegerse de los peores efectos del cambio climático catalizando el rápido desarrollo y despliegue de energías bajas en carbono y otras tecnologías de protección del clima. Con más de 25 años de experiencia reconocida internacionalmente en política climática y un firme compromiso con la exploración de todas las soluciones posibles, CATF es un grupo de defensa pragmático y no ideológico con las ideas audaces necesarias para abordar el cambio climático. CATF tiene oficinas en Boston, Washington D.C. y Bruselas, y cuenta con personal que trabaja virtualmente en todo el mundo. Visite y siga @cleanaircatf

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