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Our History & Impact
Statutory overview of 45Z
Statutory overview of the 45Z tax credit Section 45Z provides tax credits for clean fuel production based on the fuel’s carbon intensity. Unlike previous fuels credits,1 section 45Z is set up to incentivize deep reductions in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by awarding higher credit amounts to cleaner fuels. …
Ice and Oil; Oil and Ice
Last month, U.S. scientists confirmed that the Arctic has lost the second highest annual amount of ice since monitoring began. Of the remaining ice, much more is thinner, single-year ice resulting from melting and refreezing during the year. Older, thicker multi-year ice has declined by 60% over the past 30…
Reducing the Shale Gas Footprint Through the Center for Sustainable Shale Development: A Good Start, But No Substitute for Tight Federal and State Regulation
This week, CATF joined three Pennsylvania environmental organizations – the Pittsburgh-area Group against Smog and Pollution, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, and Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, as well as the Environmental Defense Fund, in endorsing a set of fifteen water and air protection standards we developed with several large shale gas…
Biofuels Coalition Press Release on Welch/Udall RFS Reform Bills
Seeking to break through the deadlocked discussions between oil interests and the corn ethanol industry, conservation groups signaled their strong support for bills introduced today in the U.S. House and Senate to reform the Renewable Fuel Standard and reverse the damage that the law—known as the biofuel mandate—has caused since…
CATF, other groups push EPA to protect natural landscapes from biofuel crop expansion
Clean Air Task Force and Earthjustice filed a petition on behalf of 11 environmental organizations demanding that the Environmental Protection Agency protect prairies and other natural habitats from being plowed under for the purpose of growing more biofuel crops.
Time for Congress to Take the Lead on Climate: Three Key Takeaways from the Select Committee’s Report on the Climate Crisis
Climate change has been a looming threat for decades. Continued delays to take action that would reduce emissions here in the United States, the world’s largest historical emitter, mean that today even more aggressive and more comprehensive action is needed. Yesterday, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis provided…
Putting a (Green) Thumb on the Scale: Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector Will Require Policies that Support Specific Technologies
Technology neutrality is frequently cited as a key positive attribute of the low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) policy approach. By allowing regulated entities to utilize any technology or system that delivers carbon intensity (CI) reductions, LCFS policies can enlist market-driven innovation by opening the decarbonization challenge to an unlimited set…