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Trois ans plus tard, la loi bipartisane sur les infrastructures continue de soutenir l'économie et l'innovation américaine.

15 novembre 2024

WASHINGTON – Three years since its passage, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) has invested $568 billion in over 66,000 projects nationwide. These investments have provided critical funding for clean energy technologies needed to decarbonize the economy while creating quality jobs and driving economic growth nationwide.  

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is catalyzing American innovation and energy competitiveness,” said Holly Reuter, Climate and Clean Energy Implementation Director at Clean Air Task Force. “American businesses have made unprecedented investments in clean energy, which will reduce emissions, bring more energy options to the market to meet growing energy demand and lower energy costs, boost local economies and clean energy manufacturing, and create cleaner air for communities. Policymakers should build on this momentum to deliver even greater benefits for the climate and communities.” 

CATF is tracking clean energy progress on the ground and showing the benefits from federal climate and clean energy investment through its resource hub. The resource hub includes resources for states, developers, and communities to leverage federal funding to decarbonize key sectors of their economies, including industry, power, transportation, and land.  

Contact presse

Samantha Sadowski, directrice des communications, États-Unis,, +1 202-440-1717

À propos de Clean Air Task Force 

Clean Air Task Force (CATF) est une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif qui œuvre à la protection contre les pires impacts du changement climatique en catalysant le développement et le déploiement rapides d'énergies à faible teneur en carbone et d'autres technologies de protection du climat. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expertise internationalement reconnue en matière de politique climatique et une volonté farouche d'explorer toutes les solutions potentielles, CATF est un groupe de défense pragmatique et non idéologique qui propose les idées audacieuses nécessaires pour lutter contre le changement climatique. CATF a des bureaux à Boston, Washington D.C. et Bruxelles, et son personnel travaille virtuellement dans le monde entier. Visitez et suivez @cleanaircatf.

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