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Una nueva propuesta de exclusión categórica podría impulsar el despliegue de la energía geotérmica de rocas supercalientes

October 18, 2024 Work Area: Superhot Rock Geothermal

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management proposed a new categorical exclusion (CX) aiming to accelerate responsible geothermal development on public lands and streamline the environmental review process for geothermal resource confirmation operations plans up to 20 acres. 

“Effective and efficient environmental review is critical to the buildout of clean energy infrastructure needed to achieve U.S. climate goals,” said Terra Rogers, Director for Superhot Rock Energy at Clean Air Task Force (CATF). “There are immense opportunities for geothermal energy, but challenges with inefficient permitting processes have slowed or stalled our ability to take advantage of that potential. We look forward to commenting on today’s proposal to ensure the environmental review process is rigorous but efficient so we can realize the climate benefits of geothermal technologies.” 

Earlier this year, CATF conducted first-of-a-kind heat modeling , which found that just 1% of the United States’ superhot rock energy potential could produce 4.3 terawatts of clean firm power – over 1,000 times the current installed geothermal capacity. CATF also released a policy brief that highlights challenges, opportunities, and recommendations to overcome barriers and tap into the full potential of the heat beneath our feat.  

The proposed categorical exclusion will be published in the Federal Register, followed by a 30-day public comment period. 

Contacto con la prensa

Samantha Sadowski, Directora de Comunicación, Estados Unidos,, +1 202-440-1717

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Clean Air Task Force (CATF) es una organización mundial sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja para protegerse de los peores efectos del cambio climático catalizando el rápido desarrollo y despliegue de energías bajas en carbono y otras tecnologías de protección del clima. Con más de 25 años de experiencia reconocida internacionalmente en política climática y un firme compromiso con la exploración de todas las soluciones posibles, CATF es un grupo de defensa pragmático y no ideológico con las ideas audaces necesarias para abordar el cambio climático. CATF tiene oficinas en Boston, Washington D.C. y Bruselas, y cuenta con personal que trabaja virtualmente en todo el mundo. Visite y siga @cleanaircatf.

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