El DOE quiere combatir las emisiones industriales con proyectos de demostración en industrias pesadas como el acero, el cemento y el hormigón.
WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced its project selections for federal funding through the Industrial Demonstrations Program, the largest federal investment in industrial decarbonization to date. More than $6 billion will be dispersed between 33 projects focused on reducing emissions from hard-to-decarbonize industries including chemicals, refining, iron and steel, and cement and concrete.
“It is critical now for DOE and industry to work together and with communities, states, and other partners to achieve deep emissions reductions, including information sharing and greater transparency, to allow these projects to be replicated and achieve the transformational goals of this program,” said Holly Reuter, Director of Climate and Clean Energy Policy Implementation at Clean Air Task Force (CATF). “The Industrial Demonstration Program presents a significant opportunity to create jobs, improve air quality, and help the U.S. achieve its climate goals. We’re excited to see how this program will advance industrial decarbonization by supporting the buildout of low carbon supply chains, demonstrating integrated carbon reduction systems, and building replicable examples of how industrial facilities can integrate hydrogen and other low-carbon energy to reduce emissions.”
“Heavy industry like steel, cement, and concrete account for nearly one-third of all U.S. emissions, and the sector’s emissions are some of the hardest to abate. Today’s announcement is an important step forward in tackling emissions from the industrial sector,” said Angela Seligman, Senior Carbon Capture Policy Manager. “We are encouraged to see many of these projects leverage a diverse set of solutions like carbon capture and storage and hydrogen. Carbon management technologies are essential tools to reduce emissions from industry, especially when there are few, or no, other options. Importantly, these technologies can also improve public health by reducing co-pollutants like soot and smog.
“These projects will be key to support low- and zero-carbon manufacturing and are a necessary step toward bringing industry together to identify scalable solutions to decarbonize the industrial sector,” said Emily Kent, U.S. Director for Zero Carbon Fuels. “Many of these projects will build on ongoing investments across the country to lay a strong foundation for hydrogen production and enabling infrastructure. These advancements will decarbonize the industrial sector by enabling the necessary low-carbon fuels and will help demonstrate and create demand for the developing clean hydrogen industry.”
The Industrial Demonstrations Program is the largest federal funding program focused on industrial decarbonization included in both the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. CATF is actively engaged in supporting industrial decarbonization, including through the DOE’s Regional Hydrogen Hubs Program. Find CATF’s implementation resources here.
Contacto con la prensa
Samantha Sadowski, Directora de Comunicación, Estados Unidos, ssadowski@catf.us, +1 202-440-1717
Acerca de Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) es una organización mundial sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja para protegerse de los peores efectos del cambio climático catalizando el rápido desarrollo y despliegue de energías bajas en carbono y otras tecnologías de protección del clima. Con más de 25 años de experiencia reconocida internacionalmente en política climática y un firme compromiso con la exploración de todas las soluciones posibles, CATF es un grupo de defensa pragmático y no ideológico con las ideas audaces necesarias para abordar el cambio climático. CATF tiene oficinas en Boston, Washington D.C. y Bruselas, y cuenta con personal que trabaja virtualmente en todo el mundo. Visite catf.us y siga @cleanaircatf.