La loi COLLABORATE est présentée au Sénat américain, offrant une voie à suivre pour renforcer le développement de l'énergie éolienne en mer et rationaliser les procédures d'autorisation.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) today introduced the “Create Offshore Leadership and Livelihood Alignment By Operating Responsibly And Together for the Environment (COLLABORATE) Act of 2024,” a much needed piece of policy that would address critical gaps in the offshore transmission process, streamline permitting by improving interagency coordination, and authorize $25 million annually to support community engagement in offshore wind development.
“Offshore wind has the potential to generate enough electricity to exceed twice the current demand in the U.S., but development has faced significant setbacks, delaying progress toward achieving the goal of 30 GW by 2030,” said Nicole Pavia, Director, Clean Energy Infrastructure Deployment at Clean Air Task Force. “These delays not only slow renewable energy growth, but also stall job creation, improvements to grid resilience, and critical emissions reductions. The COLLABORATE Act provides a clear path forward by streamlining permitting, fostering interagency collaboration, and prioritizing meaningful engagement with communities and stakeholders. We applaud Senator Whitehouse for championing this effort to strengthen U.S. offshore wind capacity.”
The COLLABORATE Act would establish project managers at agencies with permitting authorities to streamline permitting timelines and improve agency collaboration and coordination, a measure that aligns with recommendations made earlier this year in a joint report by CATF and the Niskanen Center. Additionally, the bill sets clear timeframes for agency authorizations following the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Record of Decision, giving developers greater certainty in project timelines.
A 2023 report from Brattle Group, funded by CATF, underscores the importance of proactive offshore grid planning. The report estimates that such planning could save U.S. homes and businesses at least $20 billion and reduce environmental and community impacts by 50%. The report also highlights the urgent need for increased staffing and budgets for state and federal regulatory agencies to modernize frameworks for clean energy integration, ensuring timely, reliable, and cost-effective deployment of offshore wind while minimizing environmental and community impacts.
Contact presse
Natalie Volk, responsable de la communication, [email protected], +1 703-785-9580
À propos de Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) est une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif qui œuvre à la protection contre les pires impacts du changement climatique en catalysant le développement et le déploiement rapides d'énergies à faible teneur en carbone et d'autres technologies de protection du climat. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expertise internationalement reconnue en matière de politique climatique et une volonté farouche d'explorer toutes les solutions potentielles, CATF est un groupe de défense pragmatique et non idéologique qui propose les idées audacieuses nécessaires pour lutter contre le changement climatique. CATF a des bureaux à Boston, Washington D.C. et Bruxelles, et son personnel travaille virtuellement dans le monde entier. Visitez et suivez @cleanaircatf.