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CATF EDF NRDC Earthjustice EPN NPCA et al. Comments PM NAAQS Proposal 6-29 (1)
Vox Future Perfect Newsletter 11.2020
Super Pollutants Letter to Biden Administration
CATF Comments on USDA Ag-Climate Solicitation_042921
Clean Air Task Force testimony (Andrew Place) — Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing on Carbon Capture 21 July 2021-FINAL v.2[94]
The Carbon Dioxide-Equivalent Benefits of Reducing Black Carbon Emissions from U.S. Class 8 Trucks
Debates over climate change have shifted from scientific evidence of anthropogenic contribution to the greenhouse effect to the development of strategies to mitigate the impacts of global warming.
Dr. Simone Tagliapietra
Dr. Tagliapietra is a Senior Fellow at the leading Brussels based think tank, Bruegel. He is also an Adjunct professor of Energy, Climate and Environmental Policy at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and at The Johns Hopkins University – School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe. Dr. Tagliapietra is…