CATF Risorse
Visualizzazione di pagina 7 di 67
A Vision for Poland’s Clean Energy Transition
Executive Summary Poland’s energy transition, while it abounds with challenges due to the scale of the transformation, offers growth opportunities that should be properly evaluated and utilised. As one of the most carbon-intensive economies in Europe, the country needs to expedite necessary reforms for a fully decarbonised energy system that…
Joint Letter: Increased Transparency Needed Around Department of Energy’s Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program
The letter recommends a prioritized set of information that the Department of Energy should share and includes recommended timeline.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts
Clean Air Task Force submitted comments on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s proposed guidance regarding the listing of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen
Clean Air Task Force response to the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service request for comments on Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on California Air Resources Board Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments
Clean Air Task Force joined Pacific Environment in submitting joint comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on proposed amendments to California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
Designing Carbon Contracts for Difference
Originally a concept from the financial sector, the ‘contract for difference’ has been used to great effect in the UK for deploying low-carbon power generation.
Brief sulle politiche: Innovazione dell'energia terrestre
Earth’s deep heat is inexhaustible, available at all times, and could provide clean firm electricity at the scale necessary to decarbonize.
Clean Air Task Force Response to Consultation on the French Carbon Management Strategy
In this consultation response, CATF sets out recommendations for what should be considered in the development of the French Carbon Management Strategy.