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Region: U.S.Content Type: All Resources
Protected: A Policy Framework for Scaling Up Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States
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Protected: Federal Funding Programs for Clean Energy Deployment: A Guide for States
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Regulatory Framework for Hydrogen in the U.S.
The regulatory framework for hydrogen in the United States is fragmented, complex, and involves multiple government agencies.
State Clean Electricity Standards
Executive summary With recent growth in public support and financial incentives for clean energy, states have new opportunities to expand their leadership in the transition to clean electricity. A growing number of states have adopted a clean electricity standard (CES) as a key component of their decarbonization strategies and to…
The National Environmental Policy Act: A Stakeholder Engagement Factsheet
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provides opportunities for communities, members of the public, and other interested stakeholders to stay informed, participate, and influence federal actions such as federally funded projects. This factsheet provides information to help stakeholders engage in the NEPA process.
Pathways to a Community-Centered, Resilient, and Decarbonized Grid for New England
This report examines the critical role that community engagement will play in meeting New England’s 2050 decarbonization goals.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on Categorical Exclusions for Certain Geothermal Resource Confirmation Activities
Clean Air Task Force responded to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposal to establish categorical exclusions for certain geothermal resource confirmation activities.
Wired for Savings
Expanding California’s electrical transmission system is crucial for the state to achieve its climate targets.